What we'll learn today

What we'll need

  1. A Freshdesk trial account on Modern web browser
  2. Freshworks CLI
  3. A code editor
  4. Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, Javascript, CLI and Browser DevTools
  5. The Sample Code (See Get Set Up)

What we'll build

You will explore this feature by writing some simple code to capture a few events like user clicks in app placeholders and explore writing code yourself

Prerequisite Knowledge

  1. How users use Freshdesk.
  2. Available placeholders for apps.
  3. Have walked through code of an Freshworks App
  4. Awareness of App Lifecycle Methods

Get the sample code ready

git clone https://github.com/freshworks-developers/data-methods-freshdesk.git


[Download the Zip] (https://github.com/freshworks-developers/data-methods-freshdesk/archive/main.zip)


  1. Open the cloned repository in the code editor with ‘start' branch.
  2. Open Terminal and run > fdk run
  3. You should notice the app is being served at localhost:10001
  4. Login to Freshdesk trial account and pay attention to four placeholders after appending ?dev=true at every page. You should see an app icon available to activate the app.
    1. Global Sidebar
    2. Ticket Details page
    3. New Email page
    4. Contact Details page

Note: The Data Methods can be invoked specific to the placeholders. See documentation for specific details.

Data Methods allow your app to access information on a given Freshdesk page. In this tutorial you'll learn how to consume data methods in your freshworks apps.

client.data.get("") returns a promise where your callback would have access to data in the page which user is currently viewing.

Let's see this in action.

❯ fdk run
Starting local testing server at http://*:10001/
Append 'dev=true' to your Freshdesk account URL to start testing
e.g. https://domain.freshdesk.com/a/tickets/1?dev=true
Quit the server with Control-C.

Freshworks CLI serves your app to the browser on port :10001. In the Freshdesk account, append the URL with ?dev=true to find apps running on the global sidebar at CTI app location.

Data Methods return the data that the app needs based on the app placeholders. Mostly giving the contextual information pertaining to the current page. However, the following arguments can be passed to the Data method that would return the payload given in any placeholder.


The following is how you can consume it in your app

  .then(function renderUserBioData(payload) {
    var {
      loggedInUser: {
        contact: { name: name, job_title: job, email: email }
    } = payload;
      `<p>This is information received from data method:</p>
          <li>Name: <mark>${name}</mark></li>
          <li>Job Title: <mark> ${job} </mark></li>
          <li>Email Address: <mark> ${email} </mark></li>

Let's discuss this in detail.

  1. client is an object that is brought into scope for the developer by the platform. See Line 6 in app/scripts/fullpage.js is attaching it to the global scope of the window.
  2. client.data.get() is a method that can interface with Freshdesk (via platform) and get the information for the app to consume.
  3. In the above code snippet, an argument of type string loggedInUser is passed to the get() method. It returns a promisealong with a payload. In this case, a payload containing the information of loggedInUser.
  4. This payload becomes available within the scope of the callback function that is passed. Here, the callback is renderUserBioData(payload){..}
  5. The renderUserBioData(payload){..} function does two things. It is assigning the payload data to name, job and email variables. Also, rendering the same name, job and email information to the DOM. [See object destructuring if you find the assignment confusing.]
  6. That's how the payload passed can be consumed by the app.

Note: Always refer to the documentation for latest payload structure and attribute definitions.


  .then(function whatsDomain({ domainName }) {
    displayArea.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', `<br> The domain name is <mark>${domainName}</mark>`);

This snippet simply fetches the host Freshdesk's domain name for the app.

See the current state of source code on global-args branch of sample code.

Each page has a couple of placeholders for the app. Just like Global Arguments can be passed to the data method in any page or app placeholder. However, data is provisioned (via data methods) to the app based on the page app is placed in.

For this tutorial, let's look at Ticket details page,

Ticket Details Page

Open app/scripts/sidebar.js and try adding some methods consuming different valid arguments ticket details page.

Within the renderSidebar(){..},

// ticket
  .then(function getDetails({ ticket: { description_text: desc, priority: priority } }) {
      `<li><i>"ticket"</i> priority: <mark>${priority}</mark> : desc: <mark>${desc}</mark></li>`

  .then(function getDetails({ contact: { address: address, name: name } }) {
      `<li><i>"contact"</i> address: <mark>${address}</mark> name: <mark>${name}</mark></li>`

// email_config
  .then(function getDetails(payload) {
    let supportEmail = payload.email_config[0].replyEmail;
    space.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', `<li><i>"email_config"</i> : <mark>${supportEmail}<mark></li>`);

  .then(function getDetails(payload) {
    let name = payload.requester.name;
    space.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', `<li><i>"requester"</i> : <mark>${name}<mark></li>`);

  .then(function getDetails(payload) {
    let name = payload.company.name;
    space.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', `<li><i>"company"</i> : <mark>${name}<mark></li>`);

  .then(function getDetails(payload) {
    let name = payload.group.name;
    space.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', `<li><i>"group"</i> : <mark>${name}<mark></li>`);

  .then(function getDetails(payload) {
    let name = payload.company.name;
    space.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', `<li><i>"company"</i> : <mark>${name}<mark></li>`);

  .then(function getDetails(payload) {
    let opt = payload.status_options[0];
    space.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', `<li><i>"status options"</i> First option: <mark>${opt}<mark></li>`);

  .then(function getDetails(payload) {
    let isTimerRunning = payload.time_entry.time_entries[0].time_spent;
    space.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', `<li><i>"time entry"</i> First option: <mark>${isTimerRunning}<mark></li>`);

The result would be information rendered to the DOM informing of a list in the ticket sidebar returned from different data methods.



At this point you have consumed data methods from Global Arguments and Ticket Details Page specific arguments.

Bunch of other locations where Data Methods can be accessed are

  1. Ticket Details Page: ticket, contact, email_config, requester, company, group, _options, time_entry
  2. New Ticket Page: _options
  3. New Email Page: email_cofig, _options
  4. Contact Details Page: contact, company

Why not try writing code yourself for requesterpage.js and contactpage.js ?

  1. Try to understand the existing code and it's associated html and css files.
  2. Surf through documentation to see valid arguments at these placeholders.
  3. Try picking up a few of those payloads and writing to the DOM.

Above steps will give you more confidence using the Data Methods.

Congratulations! 💐

You have come so far walking throughout the tutorial.