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  • EmployeeListQuery



business_unit?: number[]

Limits the response to employee objects whose business_unit_id value matches the parameter value. e.g, 3000000015

deleted?: boolean

Limits the response to employee objects whose deleted value matches the parameter value.

department?: number[]

Limits the response to employee objects whose department_id value matches the parameter value. e.g. 3000016570

draft?: boolean

Limits the response to employee objects whose draft value matches the parameter value.

employee_type?: string

Limits the response to employee objects whose employee_type value matches the parameter value. e.g. contract

first_name?: string

Limits the response to employee objects whose first_name value matches the parameter value.

last_name?: string

Limits the response to employee objects whose last_name value matches the parameter value.

location?: number[]

Limits the response to employee objects whose branch_id value matches the parameter value. e.g, 3000011495

official_email?: string

Limits the response to employee objects whose official_email value matches the parameter value.

page?: number

Page number starting from which the response data is retrieved. Each page contains maximum 50 entries. Use this parameter to paginate results.

personal_email?: string

Limits the response to employee objects whose personal_email value matches the parameter value.

reporting_manager?: number

Limits the response to employee objects whose reporting_to_id value matches the parameter value.

sort?: string

Field to sort results on. Valid values: first_name, last_name, employee_id.

sort_type?: string

If the sort value is specified, sort_type specifies whether the list must be sorted in ascending or descending order. If sort_type is specified with no sort value, the list is sorted based on the first_name attribute. Valid values: asc, desc

status?: string[]

Limits the response to employee objects whose status value matches the parameter value. Valid values: active, inactive

terminated?: boolean

Limits the response to employee objects whose terminated value matches the parameter value.

updated_since?: Date

Limits the response to employee objects whose updated_at value is a time after the parameter value. e.g. new Date("2021-12-15")

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