Data method is an interface that the developer platform provides to enable your app to retrieve product data (in the form of JSON payloads).
When an app is initialized successfully, the parent app (Freshworks product) passes a client reference to your app. Your app can use this reference and the developer platform’s data method to retrieve the different objects on the Freshworks product UI, as payloads.
To enable your app to retrieve product data, in the app.js file,
- Subscribe to the app.initialized event, through an event listener. When the app is initialized, the parent application passes a client reference to the app.
- After app initialization, use the data method -<objectName>) - to retrieve the specified object (<objectName>) from the product UI.
As part of the app logic, your app can process the retrieved payload to derive meaningful results.
This section,
- Lists all the objects that can be retrieved by using the data method.
- Describes all the attributes of the retrieved object.
A global app, with module-specific app logic, can be deployed on various Freshworks products. currentHost refers to the Freshworks product on which the app is currently running. Based on the currentHost, from the back-end, we retrieve the modules that the app user working on the currentHost has subscribed to. Based on the subscribed modules, we can retrieve the product-specific urls that the app built for the modules can use, to access the product resources.
For more information on currentHost, see Global app concepts.
Use the sample code shown on the right pane > Sample code tab, to retrieve the currentHost object that contains information on,
- All modules that the app user using the currentHost has access to and applicable to the app.
- All product names and the corresponding account urls through which the app built for the subscribed modules can access product resources.
Attributes of the currentHost object
- subscribed_modulesarray of strings
All modules that the app user has subscribed to and present in the app manifest.
- endpoint_urlsobject
Product name and account url (domain name) to access product resources, specified as a key (product name) - value (account URL) pair.
You can use the domain name to construct api calls that can access product resources.
Use the sample code shown on the right pane > Sample code tab, to retrieve information of the agent who is logged into the Freshworks product web UI or widget.
Attributes of the loggedInAgent object
- abilitiesarray of string
Specifies the permissions provided for the agent.
- confirmedboolean
Specifies if the agent uses a confirmed account.
- emailstring
Agent’s email id.
- idstring
Identifies the logged in agent.
- languagestring
Agent’s preferred conversational language.
- lastCallAtstring
Time when the agent last received a call, specified in the date-time format.
- lastSeenAtstring
Time the agent was last online, specified in the date-time format
- mobilestring
Agent’s mobile number.
- mobileStatusstring
Agent’s status on the mobile app.
- namestring
Agent’s name.
- phonestring
Agent’s phone number.
- ringOnSpeakersboolean
Specifies if the agent, in the profile settings, has chosen the ring on speakers and headphones option.
Possible values: true, false
- sipEnabledboolean
Specifies if SIP is enabled for the agent.
The agent’s name is added to the SIP credentials when the SIP phone is configured when sipEnabled is true.Possible values: true, false
- sipStatusboolean
Specifies if the agent, in the profile settings, has chosen the Receive calls on SIP Phone option.
Possible values: true, false
- statusstring
Status of the agent. An agent can set the status to online or offline. Also, the status can be automatically set to busy (during a call) and acw (after a call).
Possible values: online, busy, acw, and offline
- timeZonestring
Agent’s time zone.
Use the sample code shown on the right pane > Sample code tab, to retrieve information of an on-going call.
Attributes of the currentCall object
- callDurationinteger
Specifies the time, in seconds, elapsed since the start of the call.
- callerobject
Caller information. The attribute value is a caller object.
- idinteger
ID associated with a call.
- isBeingRecordedboolean
Specifies if the call is recorded.
- isMutedboolean
Specifies if the call is muted.
- notesstring
Notes associated with the call. After a call is established the Notes field is enabled in the conversation window, for an agent to record the details of a conversation.
- previousStatusstring
Previous status of the call.
Possible values: in progress, on-hold, completed, transferring, transferred, transfer unavailable, warm transferring, warm transferred, and warm transfer unavailable - statusstring
Status of the current call.
Possible values: in progress, on-hold, completed, transferring, transferred, transfer unavailable, warm transferring, warm transferred, and warm transfer unavailable - typestring
Type of the current call.
Possible values: incoming, outgoing, transfer, warm_transfer, agent_conference, monitor, and barge
Use the sample code shown on the right pane > Sample code tab, to retrieve information of the current caller.
Attributes of the currentCaller object
- addressstring
Caller’s address.
- companyIdstring
Caller’s company ID.
- emailstring
Caller’s email ID.
- idstring
Caller’s ID.
- lastCallAtstring
Time of the last call with the caller, in the date-time format.
- namestring
Caller’s name.
- totalCallsinetger
Total number of calls to or from the caller.
Use the sample code shown on the right pane > Sample code tab, to retrieve information of the number from which an outgoing call is made.
Attributes of the currentNumber object
- addressstring
Registered address for a number.
- addressRequiredboolean
Specifies if an address was required to buy the number.
- agentIdsArray of strings
Each array entry identifies an agent who has access to the number.
- callerIdstring
Identifier (caller ID) of the number that is used to mask a currentNumber, if masking is enabled for the number.
- countrystring
Country to which the number belongs.
- displayNumberstring
Specifies the number in the international format.
- holdMessageIdstring
Identifies the hold message. A hold message can be a custom message or can be the default welcome message, voicemail message, or hang-up message.
- idstring
ID associated with a number, created when the number is created.
- namestring
Name configured for the number.
- nextRenewalAtstring
Date by when the number must be renewed, specified in the date-time format.
- numberstring
Specifies the number in a standardized format.
- numberTypestring
Specifies the type of the phone number.
Possible values:- 0 (toll free)
- 1 (local)
- 2 (mobile)
- 3 (external)
- rateinteger
The renewal price that is deducted every month, for a number.
- recordTypeinteger
Specifies if the calls received at the number or made from the number must be recorded and if so what to record and how to record the calls (automatically or manually)
Possible values:- 0 (Do not record calls)
- 1 (Record all calls)
- 2 (Record incoming calls)
- 3 (Record outgoing calls)
- 4 (Record manually)
- ruleIdstring
Identifies the rule associated with the number, if a rule is configured for the number.
- ringtoneMessageIdstring
Identifies the ringtone message. A ringtone message can be a custom message or can be the default welcome message, voicemail message, or hang-up message.
- shortAbandonTimeoutinteger
Specifies the threshold (in seconds) within which if a call is abandoned, the call is considered a missed call. The field is valid only for incoming calls.
- teamIdsArray of integers
Each array entry identifies a team that has access to the number.
- transcriptionEnabledboolean
Specifies if voicemail transcription is enabled for the number.
possible values: true, false