Dive In

There are two types of apps you are likely to build on our platform.

  1. Apps intended to be published on our public marketplace, referred to as Marketplace Apps.
  2. Depending on their unique requirements, apps built to be used specifically for an individual customer/business/team are, therefore only available to one product account, referred to as Custom Apps.

If you have stuck along this far, pat yourself. You can accomplish much more with the platform as you learn and explore the features we offer you. As always, the platform requires you to focus on the use case and the code you write, and leave the rest to us.

What more is there to learn, you ask? Well, there are so many other things an app can do by leveraging the various capabilities offered by our platform.

For example, you can,

  1. Listen to an event inside a Freshworks’ product UI and execute your app logic.
  2. Run cron jobs to trigger your app.
  3. Have a webhook generated and registered for your app to listen to.
  4. Render UI with Crayons.
  5. Securely manage sensitive information required by your app at runtime.
  6. Have access to a complete serverless node environment to run your back end.
  7. Persist key-value pairs as stateful data for your app.
  8. Perform OAuth 2.0 handshakes and access resources securely.

Wow! That might look like a lot to digest but think about all the things you can build if you become comfortable with it all.