Job postings

List all job postings

const jobList = await ft.jobPostings.list(query);
// use jobList.json() to access data

Get job posting by ID

const job = await ft.jobPostings.get(id);
// use job.json() to access data
  • Returns a Response object that resolves to a Freshteam.models.Job object

Create an applicant

const newApplicant = await ft.jobPostings.createApplicant(jobPostingId, applicant);
// use newApplicant.json() to access data
  • Returns a Response object that resolves to a Freshteam.models.ApplicantDetail object
  • The first argument is the job posting ID for which to create an applicant
  • The second argument is an object of type Freshteam.models.ApplicantCreate

List job posting fields

const fields = await ft.jobPostings.listFields();
// use fields.json() to access data
  • Returns a Response object that resolves to an Array of Freshteam.models.Jobfield objects

List applicant fields

const fields = await ft.jobPostings.listApplicantFields();
// use fields.json() to access data
  • Returns a Response object that resolves to an Array of Freshteam.models.Applicantfield objects
  • The first argument is the job posting ID to fetch applicant fields from
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