Prior changelog

November 2023

FDK 9.0.6 Minor engineering enhancement

Freddy co-pilot enhancement: If available, the meta.json file is packed as part of the app zip file when the app is packed for submission. For information on generative AI powered app development, see Freddy co-pilot.

September 2023

FDK 9.0.5 Minor engineering enhancement

Request Method enhancements:

In requests.json, if a request call’s query parameters are defined in <requestTemplateName>.schema.query and during runtime if this is accessible, these query parameters take precedence over the parameters that might be passed as arguments of invokeTemplate(). Previously this prioritization was not defined. This has now been fixed.

Template substitutions enable the usage of variables in <requestTemplateName> and during runtime, it was possible to populate the variable with non-secure iparam values. The variable limitation has now been relaxed for serverless and SMI apps. Variables in <requestTemplateName> can be now populated with contextual data and non-secure iparams, for serverless and SMI apps.

August 2023

FDK 9.0.4 Minor engineering enhancement

Request Method enhancements:

When configuring request templates, if <requestTemplateName>.schema attributes contained oauth_iparams, the variables were not being populated with the corresponding oauth_iparam values. This has now been fixed and oauth_iparams can be used in .

Previously, due to auto-encoding of the <requestTemplateName>.schema.query object, the HTTP requests that were placed using the Request Method were failing. This has been fixed.

July 2023

FDK 9.0.3 Minor engineering enhancement

Request Method enhancement: It was possible to configure up to a maximum of 50 request templates in the requests.json file. Now, the limit has been increased to 100 templates.

June 2023

FDK 9.0.2 Minor engineering enhancement

  • Request Method enhancements: When configuring request templates, if the <requestTemplateName> attribute contained port numbers as part of the absolute domain name, it was considered as an invalid host. This has been fixed now and host can be an absolute domain name that contains port numbers.

    It was possible to configure up to a maximum of 25 request templates in the requests.json file. Now, the limit has been increased to 50 templates.

    The Request Method feature has been enhanced to display an appropriate error message, if the third-party HTTP request or its corresponding response exceeds 6 MB.

  • FDK CLI bug fix: On running the fdk generate command and entering appropriate parameter values for a selected file, a prompt was being displayed asking for confirmation to overwrite the current file even when the file was not present. This bug has now been fixed. The prompt is displayed only when the selected file exists and the parameter values need to be modified.

App ratings and reviews New feature

In the Freshworks Marketplace, which hosts 1000+ apps, there can be multiple apps that serve the same use case. Currently, app users rely on their own research to compare apps and zero-in on the app that best suits their requirements. The introduction of the Ratings and Reviews feature eases the app selection process for our customers/app users. As part of this feature, the Freshworks Marketplace has been enhanced to provide the following app insights:

  • Ratings: A cumulative rating out of 5.
  • Reviews: The reviews that the app users have provided for the app.
  • Count of the number of ratings and reviews.
  • Count of the number of app installations.

As the app’s developer, you can use the above metrics to assess your app’s usability. You can engage with your app users by responding to the reviews. For information on how to view the app insights from the developer portal and respond to reviews, see Freshworks apps > .

May 2023

FDK 9.0.1 Minor engineering enhancements

When using the templated request method, specific validations are run on the requests.json > schema object. These validations have been enhanced to ensure that they apply even in scenarios when and schema.path contain variables that can be populated at run time through template substitutions.

To enable successful testing of external events with ngrok, the FDK has been enhanced to be compatible with the latest stable ngrok version.

March 2023

The What’s New feature for Freshworks Apps New feature

For an existing Freshworks app, the app’s developer can build and submit a new app version. After the new version is reviewed and published, it is available for app users, if they want to update their existing app. The What’s New feature has been introduced to,

  • Enable app developers to provide a What’s New/Release Notes write-up, when submitting a new version of an app.
  • Help app users understand the enhancements in the new version. When app users view the list of installed apps, if a new version of the app is available, a What’s New link is displayed along with the Update button. App users can click this link to read the release notes and then take a call on whether to update the app.

For more information, see Freshworks’ apps.

Documentation updates Doc enhancement

Test App Versions New feature

[Currently supported only for custom apps]

The developer platform has been enhanced to enable app developers to upload multiple versions of a custom app, test the versions, and publish the most appropriate versions for app users, as part of the app submission process. Using this feature app developers can,

February 2023

FDK 9.0.0 and platform version 2.3 Platform version upgrade

The developer platform has been upgraded to run published apps on Node.js version 18. FDK 9.0.0 contains the corresponding changes to support app creation, testing, validation, and packing in a local developer environment that is based on Node.js 18. Support for Node.js 14.xx will be deprecated shortly. Ensure to migrate to FDK 9.0.0 before the deprecation. For any migration related information, see Migration overview.

To enable developers to build secure apps, the app development platform has been upgraded to version 2.3. The upgrade introduces a new request method that facilitates apps to make secure HTTP calls to third-party domains. Platform version 2.2 is scheduled to be deprecated by Jul 31, 2023. Ensure to migrate to the latest platform version before the deprecation.

Request Method Feature enhancement

Previously, app developers had to whitelist the hosts to which the apps make HTTP calls; the methods, paths, query parameters, headers, body, and other options were accepted dynamically at runtime. This allowed making arbitrary requests to white-listed hosts and also inadvertantly, provided means for app users to meddle with calls from the app (as the entire request was constructed, at runtime, in the browser). Our Request Method has been revamped to provide a more secure and deterministic way of request proxying.

In our new model, app developers provide a snapshot of all the requests that the app is expected to make, through a configuration file that is packed as part of the app files. During run time, apps provide dynamic context. The developer platform applies the context to the appropriate templated request and places the HTTP call.

For information on how to configure and use the new Request Method in your app, see Request Method. Our latest platform version is platform 2.3. To migrate your existing app that uses the Request method with domain whitelisting (platform version 2.2) to the new templated request method, see .

CLI changes Feature enhancement

  • The short-hand notation of the --skip-validation option typically used with the Run, Pack, and Validate commands, has been modified from -v to -V.
  • A search command has been introduced to enable searching the developer community for content related to a specified query-string. For information on syntax, usage, and description of the command, see Freshworks CLI > Search
  • The content displayed on our command line interface has been enhanced to provide a better viewing experience.
  • The FDK has been upgraded to use npm Commander as the FDK’s command line argument parser. As a result of this, the CLI now provides an enhanced developer experience.

Updates to the FDK Minor engineering enhancement

When the fdk run command is run, the dependencies listed in manifest.json are installed in the node_modules folder. This eliminates the need for package-lock.json. Therefore, the FDK has been updated such that package-lock.json is not generated if manifest.json has dependencies listed in it.

November 2022

FDK 8.6.7 Feature enhancement

In the local testing of apps that use the Request Method to make third-party HTTP requests, the default request timeout has been 5 seconds. In production, two configurable timeouts - five and ten seconds are available. This FDK version introduces a configurable environment variable - REQUEST_TIMEOUT that enables developers to simulate the production configuration during local testing.

The FDK has been enhanced to ensure that apps are built on a supported version of the app development platform. When developers validate, pack, or run apps that are built using an unsupported platform version, an appropriate error message is displayed. For more information, see platform version updates.

FDK 8.6.6 Minor engineering enhancement

An issue in generating appropriate code coverage reports has been fixed. When generating a code coverage report for a serverless app, if the app code has been modified since the last time the report was generated, the old report is deleted and a new report is generated for the modified app code.

October 2022

FDK 8.6.5 Minor engineering enhancement

An issue in generating appropriate code coverage reports has been fixed.

FDK 8.6.4 Minor engineering enhancement

Minor engineering enhancements have been made.

FDK 8.6.3 Minor engineering enhancement

FDK 8.6.2 Minor engineering enhancement

Minor engineering enhancements have been made.

September 2022

FDK 8.6.1 Minor engineering enhancement

Minor engineering enhancements have been made.

FDK 8.6.0 New feature

The developer platform has been upgraded to support a new app setup event - afterAppUpdate. The event is triggered after an app user updates the app and thereby installs its latest available version. This enables you to perform appropriate app actions based on the event or revert to the earlier installed app version, in case of any errors.

August 2022

Minor engineering enhancement

For oAuth authorization, the redirect/callback URL for app testing is provided in the third-party domain. If the callback URL contained white spaces, the handshakes were failing. This has been fixed.