Freshworks CLI Setup

The Freshworks platform offers a CLI (lovingly named fdk) built specifically for developers like you to write, organize, and build Freshworks apps. It runs on the most popular operating systems, including macOS, Windows, and Linux.

You can check the last section to uninstall some existing installed prerequisites.

To install FDK, you need to install the following:

Install prerequisites

The FDK is built as a Node.js application and it requires installation of the following components in your system.

  • Node Version Manager/NVM (Optional)
  • Node.js v18.13.0 or later

Note:If Node.js v18.13.0 or later is installed already on the system, skip this section and proceed with the FDK installation via NPM step.

There are following two methods to install the prerequisites.

Use this method to install Node.js v18.18.2 and the FDK together on your system via Homebrew (on MacOS and Linux) or Chocolatey (on Windows).

Note:If you already have Homebrew or Chocolatey installed on your system, skip this section and proceed with the FDK installation step. Otherwise, refer to the following information on installing Homebrew or Chocolatey.

  • For MacOS or Linux: Install the latest version of HomeBrew.

  • For Windows: Install the latest version of Chocolatey.

    Note:If Chocolatey is already installed on your system, run the following command to run PowerShell scripts in the current session, bypassing any execution policy restrictions: Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force;

Install the FDK + CLI

  • Ensure to use npm for CLI installation. Also, ensure to use the npm version that is shipped with Node. For information on supported Node versions, see FDK and compatible Node.js versions. Use of any other npm version or use of alternative package managers such as YARN can affect the CLI installation and dependencies management.
  • Uninstall the previous CLI version by using the npm uninstall fdk -g command.
  • The Developer portal and SDK Terms of use apply to the use of the CLI.
  1. To install the latest CLI version, run the following command.

      npm install -g
  2. Run the following command to verify the CLI installation.

    fdk version

    Ensure that the installed CLI version is 9.0.0 or later. If you are on an earlier version, migrate to the latest FDK version.

Uninstalling the Development Environment

To remove the existing environment to start afresh, please follow the following steps.