Configure app installation (Settings) page

Your app typically requires, from the app’s user, certain data that is necessary to process the app logic. It might not be possible to include this data in your app code due to reasons such as - exposinging secure information or simply the unavailability of the data with you during app building. At times, your app can also be user-scoped - meaning, it can work based on the user’s needs. To do this, it is essential for the app to retrieve user-input data and at times, persist the data. The developer platform enables you to configure either a default Settings page or a custom Settings page to collect data from the app user.

Installation params or iparams are parameters whose values app users can set when they install an app. These parameters are presented to the app users through the Settings page.

This section,

  • Details all the necessary steps to configure the Settings page - default and custom.
  • Serves as a reference of all the possible methods and options available to configure the Settings page, retrieve the user-input values, store them if need be, and use them in your app logic.