Developer signup


If you already have a Freshworks Developer account, then skip this step else follow the instructions given below

Streamline your entry into the Developer Platform effortlessly with this sequence of impartial instructions:

  1. Navigate to the Landing Page: Access the Developer Platform landing page in your browser.

  2. Click on Sign Up: Once on the landing page, locate and click the "Sign Up" option. The option is also available on the right top corner.

  3. Select Your Option: Choose one of the following options based on your needs:

  4. Choose Your Sign-Up Method: Opt for either of these two methods:

    • Sign up using your Gmail account.
    • Provide your credentials manually for sign-up.
  5. Email Verification: Verify your email address as part of the signup process.

  6. Complete Signup Process: Finalize your signup process to gain access to the Application Management Portal (AMP). The URL for this portal follows this format:


For comprehensive guidance with visual aids, consult the detailed instructions available here whenever needed.