Get Started

Welcome to the Comprehensive Setup Guide for Freshworks App Development! Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting your coding journey, this guide will help you establish a solid foundation for creating powerful apps within the Freshworks ecosystem. Freshworks offers a range of products that empower businesses to provide exceptional customer experiences, and developing apps for these products opens up new avenues for innovation.

In this guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of setting up your local development environment for Freshworks app development. By the end of this journey, you'll be equipped with the tools and knowledge needed to build, test, and deploy your custom apps seamlessly.

To kick things off, you would first need to perform a series of operations as listed below

  1. Dev Signup: Your journey begins with the creation of a personalized Developer Account.

  2. Trial Enrollment: Within your Developer Account, you're invited to enroll in a free trial account, offering access to a Freshworks product of your preference. Immerse yourself in exploration, experimentation, and direct interaction with our premium offerings. You can sign up for more than one product and manage them all from single developer account.

  3. Freshworks CLI: Equip yourself with the quintessential tool - the Freshworks CLI, affectionately recognized as FDK. It helps you build Freshworks applications within a local environment.

  4. Visual Studio Code: Equip yourself with latest version of Visual Studio Code

Proceed through these meticulously outlined steps by adhering to the provided instructions.