Configure app manifest, subscribe to events, and register callback

You can use the manifest.json file (also called the app manifest) to specify,

  • App start-up parameters - such as the platform version used to build the app, the node version used, and so on.
  • App’s functional parameters - such as the events that the app must respond to.

When you use the fdk create command, select the serverless-starter-template, and generate the serverless app files, the app manifest generated contains default attributes. To configure the app manifest for your app, you can modify the attribute values, delete (non-mandatory) attributes that your app does not require, or add appropriate attributes.

After creating the app files, to configure the app manifest, do one of the following:

  • From the app’s root directory, navigate to manifest.json and manually configure the attributes. Or
  • Use the fdk generate command to edit the default manifest.json.

App manifest attributes - description and how to configure them

  • platform-versionstring

    Platform version you use to build the app. This value is auto-generated when you create the default app files by using the fdk create command.

  • modulesobjectRequired

    Specifies all modules on which the app can be deployed.

    When you create an app by using the fdk create command, the default app manifest is created with the common and support_ticket modules. You can edit the app manifest and replace the support_ticket module or add additional modules.

    • The app manifest must contain at least one module (apart from the common module).
    • Even if your app is built only for the common module, ensure that the modules object contains at least one module in addition to the common module. In this case, the other module(s) can be an empty JSON object. This other module’s name ties the app to the product on which the app is eventually deployed.
  • enginesobjectRequired

    Node.js and FDK versions that are used to build the app. When you create the front-end app files by using the fdk create command, this attribute value is auto-populated.

  • dependenciesobject

    All npm packages that the app uses, specified as <npm-package-name>:<version> pairs.

    This attribute is not a default attribute. If your app uses npm packages, in manifest.json, include this dependencies attribute and register the packages as dependencies.

  • appobject

    Information pertaining to the app metrics, auto-generated when the app is created.

    Note:Currently, this object is auto-generated only when the app uses any Freddy Copilot features.