Frequently Asked Questions


Freddy Copilot for Developers is currently under open beta release. The features listed here are subject to change with future release. As of this guides creation, following are the features supported by Freddy Copilot for Developers.

General Information

Q: What training data was ingested by Freddy Copilot?

Freddy Copilot is capable of addressing app development-related queries along with general programming paradigms as it has the context of Freshworks Developer documentation. With future releases and advancements in the platform, additional documentation will be added or updated in its knowledge base to ensure users get relevant results.

Q: Is Freddy Copilot for Developers available across all regions?

Yes, as of 15th June 2023, Freddy Copilot is available globally in all the Freshworks regions.

Q: Which conversational languages can I use apart from English while using Freddy Copilot for Developers?

Currently, multi-lingual support is not available. English is the only supported language. When demand for a specific language increases, it may be incorporated into future versions of Freddy.

Q: Is there any pricing?

Currently, there is no pricing for Freddy Copilot. We are opening gates for developers to explore Freddy Copilot and build apps for Freshworks. There will be rate limiting on API calls.

Q: How can I enable Freddy Copilot for my organization?

You can list your email for our beta access and keep an eye on the email and community announcements for the open launch.

Programming and Usage

Q: Which programming languages does Freddy Copilot for Developers support?

Currently, the Freshworks Developer Platform supports Node.js and React-based web applications. Freddy Copilot supports the same to be consistent with platform behavior.

Q: What guidelines should I follow to get better results from Freddy Copilot?

Follow standard input prompting techniques for conversational AI models. Use Freshworks app development context-related query terms to get improved results.

Q: Can I choose not to use the code produced by Freddy Copilot?

Yes, Freddy Copilot operates as a developer assistant that provides chat-based code recommendations and one-click actions. Developers can choose to include or discard the output code as deemed necessary.

Q: What is the correctness of the code produced by Freddy Copilot?

Freddy Copilot produces moderately accurate code snippets for the Freshworks app context when prompted correctly. However, as it is in its early stages of development, results might not always be accurate. Developers are encouraged to provide feedback on the output response to help improve the code quality.

Q: Are there any security vulnerabilities that I should be aware of while using Freddy Copilot?

Freddy Copilot may generate insecure code output if prompted incorrectly. Developers are recommended to use the “Security Check” option within Copilot to ensure the written/generated code is security compliant.

Q: What is the Use Case to App feature in Freddy Copilot for Developers?

The Use Case to App feature enables developers to build an app by simply defining what the app should do. For example, you can specify a use case for a Freshdesk app that fetches order data from Shopify based on an order ID provided in the ticket's sidebar.

Q: Why don’t I see the option for Use Case to App in my VS Code extension?

The Use Case to App feature is available as part of Freddy Copilot for Developers v2.0.2 onwards. If you don’t see this option, kindly update your Copilot extension.

Q: What is the upload image option visible beside the app placeholder while using Use Case to App?

This option allows you to provide a figma wireframe/image as input along with the use case definition. Freddy will generate the UI using Freshworks Crayons UI components based on the provided image.

Q: What is the upload image option in Conversation to Code?

With Freddy Copilot for Developers v2.0.2 onwards, you can pass images as input to the Conversation to Code option, which will generate the equivalent Crayons code for UI elements available in the input image.

Q: Is there any tutorial/guide that I can use for building an app with Use Case to App?

Here is a hands-on tutorial for building an app with the Use Case to App feature, covering everything from installation to usage.

Data and Privacy

Q: Will Freddy Copilot for Developers reproduce my private code?

No, Freddy Copilot will only have access to the code you provide as input. It can analyze and suggest improvements for the input code but will not store or reproduce it without your input.

Q: What is the context persistence setting in Freddy Copilot for Developers?

Freddy uses chat context to give contextual results based on user input queries. By default, it uses the last five query responses as context, which are maintained in the local storage of the workspace. Once the workspace is closed, the data is lost.

Q: How can I control the sharing and use of my data in Freddy Copilot for Developers?

Freddy captures user data such as output feedback (upvote, downvote, and textual inputs), tokens used, and input prompts to enhance output quality. It uses the chat context of the last five interactions to provide relevant results. However, it does not support chat persistence, so no confidential or personal information is captured or stored.

Q: Are there any data and privacy guidelines that are followed?

When developing applications that deal with sensitive data, comply with local data and privacy guidelines and regulations. For example, adhere to EU-GDPR when dealing with customer data in the European region.