Installation and Configuration

In this segment we will understand how to install and configure Freddy Copilot for Developers

Freddy Copilot for Developers - Download


The Freddy Copilot for Developers is currently under beta programme.

The versions, settings and their descriptions are subject to change with latest releases and plugin enhancements.

  1. Launch the Visual Studio Code application
  2. Navigate to Visual Studio Code Marketplace by clicking on "Extensions"
  3. Under "Search Extensions in Marketplace" search for "Freddy Copilot for Developers"
  4. Click on "Install", post installation it should reload the workspace.
  5. If not reloaded automatically you will be prompted with success message with option to "Reload"

Freddy Copilot for Developers - Configuration


The Freddy Copilot for Developers is currently in beta release. This option will only be visible if you have received the beta access. If you do not have access already, join the beta program by clicking here. Once enabled try again!


The complete configuration would be similar to the one that is shown in the video in the sidebar.

  1. Navigate to installed extensions, and select Freddy Copilot for Developers.

  2. Click on settings gear, select extension settings

  3. When launched you shall see following settings in the settings page

    1. FDK Path - Refers to the FDK installation path available for your workspace
    2. API Key - To be retrieved from Developer profile from AMP page
    3. User Name - Name that will be visible for your chat in conversational interface
    4. Context Settings - Number of previous conversation responses to be remembered and referred to while framing a new answer with stored context for the respective conversation.
    5. Figma API Key - Optionally you can provide the Figma Account API key. Applicable in version 2.0.5 or higher.
  4. Get the FDK installation path

    For MacOS or Linux environments use command given below

    which fdk

    The output result will be similar to the one shown below. Copy the path and add it the FDK installationn path configuration

  5. Navigate to the Application Management Portal (AMP/Developer Portal), select the product account associated

  6. From AMP home, click on "settings" icon next to profile on right hand top corner

  7. From settings page, click on "View API Key" option to get your Freddy API Key, copy the value by clicking "Copy" option.

    1. Add the API key under API Key segment of settings page.
  8. Add a User Name that you wish to see against your input queries. This is just for your reference.

  9. Optionally change Context Settings value. Default it 5. This ensures more accuracy in the answer given.

  1. Enabling this feature will consume more tokens, roughly corresponding to the number of messages in a conversation (about 2800 tokens).
  2. By default, the value is set at 5, with the option to raise it to a maximum of 10.
  3. Increasing this value enhances accuracy, but keep in mind that it will significantly raise token consumption per query.